SCHAP School Management SolutionEducational solution for primary and secondary schools.

What is SCHAP?

SCHAP is a cloud-based school management and solution that gives school owners and administrators a 360 degree visibility into the workings of their school on an online real-time basis while providing reports and analytics on an online real-time basis. All that is required is an internet enabled device.

It provides and solves the challenges associated with the following for primary and secondary schools:

  • Student Record management;
  • Online admission application processing;
  • Transcript generation;
  • Academic calendar management;
  • Day to day monitoring of academic activities and reporting;
  • Payment of school fees using Debit/ATM/Credit Cards by parents and students;
  • Continuous assessment computation and report generation;
  • Students Portal;
  • Teachers Portal;
  • Parents Portal;
  • Online Assignment administration;
  • Schools Fees Management & Payment tracking;
  • SMS Notifications to parents, teachers, etc.;
  • Extensive reporting for strategic planning;
  • Learner support services and progress monitoring; and
  • Social Community

Solution Feature Description

Core Solution Features (Primary & Secondary Schools)

Web-based User Access

  • The solution is implemented as a single central installation accessed from standard browser applications over any local or wide area network or via the Internet
  • In order to gain access to system features, the application requires users to authenticate their access using unique and secure usernames & passwords.

Parent Portal

  • Provides a portal for parents to view specific information on their ward’s academic performance.
  • Allows parents to view pending bills, initiate, and make payments using their debit card on behalf of their wards.

Student Portal

  • The solution, in addition to the Public, Administration, and Parent portals, Includes a student portal. Features available to students on the portal include:
    • Online Result checking
    • Online Collaboration with tutors and students Access to the “e-Center”, an electronic library Financial Account Management
    • Online payment

Level Management

  • This module allows the creation of academic classes on the platform.
  • It provides the flexibility of setting up classes according to the prevailing academic system in the country.
  • It provides a view for managing academic classes on the platform

State & Country Management

  • Allows the creation and management of states and related detail on the platform
  • Allows the setup new countries
  • Provides an interface to manage countries and related detail

LGA/Cities Management

  • Provides an interface for the management of local government areas and cities on the platform

Session Management

  • Allows authorized personnel to setup academic sessions
  • Provides authorized users with the flexibility to specify the start and end dates or date range of an academic session.
  • Provides the administrative users with a global view for managing academic sessions on the platform.

Term Management

  • Provides the flexibility of setting up academic terms in a session

Bill Management

  • Allows authorized personnel to create bills
  • Provides the flexibility of specifying the bill components
  • Provides an interface, for the school’s authorized user, to manage bills
  • Sends bills to parents as at when due or when initiated by the school’s authorized personnel

Accommodation Management

  • Allows the setup, on the application, of the schools boarding provisions
  • Provides an interface for managing and allocating boarding accommodation
  • Provides a view/report, at any time, of the current occupied percentage of the hostels

Student Application Management

  • Provides an interface for capturing and managing online student enrolment application
  • Provides an interface for capturing and managing online accommodation application
  • Provides an interface for processing club membership application

Extracurricular Activities Management

  • Allows the authorized admin user to setup the school’s extracurricular clubs
  • Provides an interface for managing the extracurricular clubs
  • Provides an interface for managing house

Behavior/Character Reporting

  • Allows the setup of the various character sets being monitored by the school

Grade System Setup & Management

  • Provides an interface for the school to setup their grading system
  • Provides an interface for managing the school’s grading system

Staff Record Management

  • Provides an interface for the school to setup academic staff
  • Enables the authorized admin users to capture critical staff information
  • Provides a view of staff within an institution for easy management

Student Record Management

  • Allows the setup of existing (in migration cases) students on the platform
  • Allows the creation of new students as admitted by the school, on the platform
  • Allows the capture of critical student information
  • Allows the school’s authorized admin users to manage students information
  • Provides a high-level of students by class/level

Parent Management

  • Allows the setup of parents, by the school’s admin user, either during student creation/setup or independently
  • Provides a means of identifying and adding students to a parent, during and after the parent is setup
  • Allows the capture of critical parent/guardian information
  • Provides an interface, for the school’s admin user, for managing parents

Online Tutorial & Assignment Support

  • Provides an interface for creating online tutorials
  • Allows the creation of “offline” tutorials
  • Allows the creation and administration of assessment quizzes
  • Provides the flexibility of uploading already created quizzes or test for offline administration and submission
  • Provides an interface for students to access and take online tutorials or download offline tutorials and assessment
  • Supports the upload of supplementary academic material related to the tutorial
  • Provides access to uploaded supplementary material

System Configuration

  • Allows the configuration of the school’s specific parameters
  • Provides an interface for managing session transitions by the authorized admin user

Home Page Configuration

  • Provides the flexibility of configuring the schools’ home page as will be viewed by the public, teachers and students
  • Provides a user friendly means of managing the home page’s content and layout.

Payment Support & Integration

  • Bills are assigned a unique reference number per parent, to enable easy reconciliation
  • Seamlessly integrates the platform with payment infrastructure for web payments
  • Manages a log of payment transactions and statuses
  • Sends email notifications to the school and parents on payment execution

Financial Accounting Module

  • The application shall provide the functionality for capturing financial transactions
  • It shall allow the institution to create and manage their chart of accounts and general ledgers
  • It shall allow the capture of cash flows, both in and out.

Payroll Management Module

  • The application shall provide functionality for the capture and management of the institutions staff payroll.


  • Provides payment transaction reports to the school for easy payment tracking
  • This module shall provide more detailed MIS reporting as specified by the institution.

Notification/Alert System

  • Send email notifications to parents
  • Sends email notifications to students and the school’s users
  • This system shall enable the sending of results to students.
  • The system shall support the dissemination of information via SMS

Subject Management

  • The system shall provide a set of functions for managing subjects offered by the school.

Examination Questions & Answers Management

  • This module shall allow the setup of examination questions and answers for a course/subject by an authorized user.
  • Examination/test questions supported include multiple choice objective questions and subjective questions.

Automated Continuous Assessment Computation

  • This module shall enable the automatic computation of a student academic performance for each subject.
  • Supports assessment computation scheduling by an authorized user.
  • The system shall send email alerts after the generation of academic standings/results for the school.

Electronic Library (E-Center) Application

  • The e-Center is an electronic resource, audio-visual and e-Book, management system and Library.
  • It allows the school to manage the electronic library resources.
  • The e-library shall be accessible over the web.
  • Library resources are properly catalogued

User Role Management Module:

  • This provides functionality for the creation or modification of User Roles as well as assignment or reassignment of rights to create and modify other roles within the System.
  • Users Roles are defined by assigning functions which may be executed by each role including but not restricted to Add/Edit, View, and Enable/Disable of system entities.
  • This module also provides functionality for the creation or modification of System User information as well as user assignment or reassignment to pre-defined User Roles on the System.
  • These User roles have fixed access and interactive privileges based on the purpose of each User in the system and according to the functions defined for that user at configuration time.

Approval Management

  • Allows authorized users specify activities that require approval and assigns user roles to approve such activities
  • Enforces that changes to the system specified to require approval are approved before they take effect
  • Allows for changes to be declined thereby preventing them from taking effect
  • Specifically ensures that all card issuance requests are approved by authorized personnel before process completion

Audit Trail Module:

  • This captures information on every interaction performed within the system.
  • This information includes the following; who performed it (User credentials), when it was performed (Date/Time), what action was performed (Create, Update, Delete), what data was changed as well as the previous state of any data change.

Security and Control:

  • The system generally enforces logins using secure user IDs and passwords
  • Use of session time outs after periods of inactivity
  • Enforcement of single login sessions for each user
  • Support for standard data encryption algorithms and other security protocols as used by payment processors.
how can we help you?

Contact us at the Medessy Enterprises Limited office or submit an inquiry online.

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Donald Simpson
Chairman, Bluewater Corp

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